Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 9, 2014

Our regular monthly meeting was called to order at 2:01 PM.

Present were Mike Schnell, Jon Bailey, Neil Winget, Ken Boyd, Marc Hines, Gene Will, Richard Murray
and guest Ann Vogel

Old business prompted a discussion about the upcoming Young Eagles event planned for June 14. We are three months out. Neil announced he will have a noon spot on the TV show. We should plan on one hundred riders for the event. The following Saturday would be the rain date and we should notify EAA to get insurance coverage and on their calendar.

Break: Todd stopped and picked up MIKE'S gps to use on his forthcoming trip to Arizona.

Neil discovered errors in flyer and is going to correct them. Mike will register the event with EAA. Jon will get talent lined up for TV time. Mike will fly his WACO and needs a Cherokee pilot to fly his 180. Pre-registration needs to be defined so we can plan on how many riders to accept.

In other business Mike went to an open house at the WACO museum in Troy and found out they have a camp-out at the end of April for the Boy Scouts to earn their merit badge. Anyone interested in volunteering?

Program Chairman Ken read a list of sites he compiled in just Ohio that we might want to visit. Gene suggested we create a calendar to keep track of everything we are doing or going to do. There is the Cookout in August, the MSRFI at Urbana in September, the WACO fly-in in September, and the WWI event at the Museum of the Air Force in Dayton. It was discussed and the WWI event might be the group activity we want to start with this year. Richard will establish a calendar on the website.

Neil told that Neil Armstrong had the test facility named after him and that it was fitting men named Neil should be so honored, especially since Neil Armstrong had landed there so much. Ann Vogel concurred the it was fitting to name landing sites after men named Neil. Armstrong has a site at Edwards Air Force Base in California and Winget has a cornfield in Ohio. (boy we miss her)

Neil tells the boy story. His son's turn signal bulb was out and they needed to replace it. After church Neil drives buy AutoZone and they can replace bulb for his son. Neil wakes son up up and he doesn't want to do it. Neil says you and comes to meeting. Wife txt Neil that boy is getting bulb changed. And there was piece once again in the valley.

Gene reported the treasury stands at $139.76 including the $30.00 contributed for the snow pool, which looks like the Chapter is going to win if things don't start warming up.

The meeting was adjourned upon a motion by Neil and seconded by Ken. at 2:52 PM.

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