Sunday, October 14, 2012

October 14, 2012

EAA Chapter 922 met at the home of Ann Vogel with five
members (Gene Will, Jason Stehschulte, Neil Winget, Dick Murray, and
Mike Schnell) and one guest (Ann Vogel) present.

Mike Schnell, Vice-President, called the meeting to order. Gene
reported that the treasury balance of $214.26 was the same as last

Under old business, members were reminded that officers will be
elected at the December meeting and they will take over in January.

Under new business, members discussed having a winter dinner
meeting in February. It was agreed to try for February 16, with
February 23 as a back up date. Neil will contact Don Schmerck from
Wapakoneta and ask if he would tell us some aviation stories. Final
plans will be made later.

Project reports: Neil and Dick told their Capella story. It was to be
delivered a coupe of weeks ago, when the engine had a serious problem.
Fortunally, no one was hurt, but Neil has no airplane! Dick reported that
some one bought his helicopter parts and pieces and that Ken Hunter
has his Myers for sale.

Since there was no further business, Neil and Gene moved the
meeting be adjourned. The rest of the afternoon was spent looking over
the aviation parts and pieces that Walt had collected and Ann was
offering them for sale to EAA members.

Ann Vogel, Secretary Pro Tem