Saturday, September 25, 2010

September 12, 2010

EAA Chapter 922 was called to order by President, Dick Murray with 4 members and our missing guest. Members present were: Neil Winget, Dick Murray, Todd Bills, and Dick Heiby
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The absence of our treasurer did not permit a report and it is presumed that the balance in the treasury remains the same at $243.22

Old Business:It was reported by Dick Heiby the cook-out at Gene's hanger drew a huge crowd and discussion followed to reimburse Gene for expenses. In the absence of any actual costs it was decided we should identify the expenses before taking any action.

New Business it was announced by Neil that the WACO fly-in was this coming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at WACO Field.

Dick Murray reported he sold his Cessna 140 and it went to Gray's Harbor, Washington and that Anne Vogel had emailed him that Walt sold his Savannah and it went to Oklahoma.

Dick Murray confessed to nearly landing at Van Nuys instead of Whiteman on his trip to Washington.

Todd Bills and Neil Winget reported on the MERFI fly-in at Urbana this weekend and the low number of planes they observed.

Neil Winget moved to adjorn and Dick Heiby seconded.

For Walt Vogel, Secretary, Dick Murray

August 8, 2010 Meting

EAA Chapter 922 was called to order by President, Dick Murray with 8 members and 1 guest. Members present were: Neil Winget, Marc Hines, Ken Boyd, Gene Will, Dick Murray, Todd Bills, Rudy Schneidhorn and Ann Vogel, guest.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Gene Will reported that the balance in the treasury remains the same at $243.22

Old Business:Ken Boyd and Neil Winget moved and seconded the motion that Todd Bills be the new Vice-President. Motion carried.

Members were reminded of the supper this Thursday evening at 6:00pm at Gene Will’s hanger. Chapter members are to bring a covered dish, lawn chairs and their spouse. It is a picnic with Chapters 109 and 922.

Todd Bills, Ken Boyd and Walt Vogel attended Oshkosh this year. They spoke of their experiences.

New Business: It was announced that MERFI will be September 11 at Urbana this year. Dates of the WACO fly-in will be announced later.

There being no other business, Gene Will and Ken Boyd moved the meeting be adjourned.
Walt Vogel, Secretary

July 11, 2010 Meeting

The July meeting of EAA Chapter 922 was called to order July 11, 2010, at 2:00 pm by Vice President, Dick Murray. The following members were present: Walt Vogel, Dick Murray, Marc Hines, Neil Winget, Dick Heiby, Todd Bills, Gene Will, Ken Boyd, Brent Richter. Guests present were: Dave Berelsman and Ann Vogel.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Gene Will gave a treasurer’s report. He reported that the donations and the bill from the airport were the same, therefore, the balance is the same as last month.

It was reported that Russ Hovey donated $150 toward the fuel bill for Young Eagles Day. Most of the Young Eagles came from St. Marys, New Bremen and New Knoxville. A total of 83 Young Eagles participated. Dick Murray told the group that he had received a nice thank you note. Thank you notes will be sent to those who donated above and beyond for the event. Thanks were given to all those who participated in the event this year.

It was reported that Marty Bevill, submitted his resignation as President of the local chapter. Dick Heiby and Ken Boyd moved that the chapter accept his resignation. Motion carried.

Dick Murray asked our guest Dave, to briefly explain how they run the Young Eagles Day where he is member in Florida. He suggested to ask all the pilots you know to see if they would be interested in participating and how long they would be able to fly and how many can they take at a time. Take only a certain number of students. If more come, tell them that if there is time they might be able to fly after the prescribed number of students have flown. Bill it as a Young Eagle event , rides weather permitting. If the weather is bad, have DVD’s or videos shown. Have a bag of “freebies” ready to give to each young eagle. They have a Young Eagles Event often during the year. Encourage volunteers to help and perhaps start a mentor program.

Dick asked for nominations for Vice-President. There were none, so that will be decided next month.

Dick also announced that Paul Tebbe has his Avid Flyer for sale again and Alan Holcomb from Van Wert is building a Hummel H-5.

Gene Will announced that the Versailles EAA chapter will be having a picnic at Gene’s hanger on Thursday, August 12. 922 EAA chapter members are also invited to attend. Bring a covered dish and spouse.

Dave Berrelsman talked about flying in Dulles airport and the new technology that is out there for aviation using the I Phone and the I Pod.

Walt Vogel moved the meeting be adjourned.

Walt Vogel, Secretary; minutes recorded by Ann Vogel

June 13, 2010 Meeting

The June meeting of EAA Chapter 922 was called to order by president, Marty Bevill with the following members present: Marc Hines, Ken Boyd, Dick Murray, Marty Bevill, Todd Bills, Mike Schnell and Walt Vogel. Also present was Mike Stanton, visitor.

The minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved. The president reported for the treasurer that the balance in the treasury was the same as last month, $243.22

Old Business: Mike Schnell discussed the upcoming Young Eagles Program which will take place Saturday, June 19, 2010, from 8 to 11 am. Mike would like the pilots and ground crew to be at the airport by 7:15 am to get things ready. Mike announced that generous donations from Russ Hovey and Todd Bills were made to the chapter for expenses for the Young Eagles Day. Members were reminded that youth between the ages of 8 and 17 with parental consent would be eligible for a flight.

New Business: Mike Stanton announced that his son may be going to the Space Camp in Huntsville this summer.

Dick Murray announced that there are aviation courses and scholarships available from the EAA for high school students.

Todd Bills talked about his project which is coming right along. He also showed pictures.

Marc Hines adjourned the meeting at 2:35 pm.

Walt Vogel, Secretary

May 9, 2010 Meeting

The May meeting of Chapter 922 was called to order by Vice President, Dick Murray on May 9, 2010. Those in attendance were: Marc Hines, Todd Bills, Mike Schnell , Rudy Schnidhorst, Dick Murray and Walt Vogel.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. In the absence of the treasurer, Walt gave the treasurer’s report.
Previous Balance $213.22
Check BSAC -20.00
Deposit dues +50.00
New Balance $243.22

Most of the old business was discussion of the Young Eagles Day on June 19.
It was announced if the pilot had coverage for $100,000 per person, the national EAA would extend coverage to $1 million for that day’s event. The Phillips gas program was discussed and it was decided not to participate in that this year. Pilots are still needed for that event. Posters were passed out to members for them to take to their local schools.

Several Boy Scouts were in attendance and they thanked the chapter for their support.
A poster from the EAA was given to the local chapter. Walt will check with Sean to see if there would be a place to put it in the terminal building. The Boy Scouts also have a poster they would like to place in there.

Under new business, it was announced that May 15 is designated as International Learn to Fly sponsored by AOPA and EAA.

Marc Hines adjourned the meeting at 2:35 pm.

Walt Vogel, Secretary

April 11, 2010 Meeting

Chapter 922 of the EAA met April 11, 2:00 pm at the terminal building at AXV. Members present were: Ken Boyd, Marc Hines, Dick Murray, Mike Schnell, Rudy Schnidhorst, Marty Bevill, Gene Will and Walt Vogel. There were also four guests present.

The vice president called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous were read and approved.

Mike Schnell reviewed plans for the Young Eagles Day to be held June 19. They would like for someone with a four place airplane to volunteer for this event.

Mike Stanton and three others were there representing the Boy Scouts. They asked the EAA chapter if they would be a sponsor for their group (ages 14-20) to learn about aviation. The cost of the sponsorship is $20. After discussion Mike Schnell moved and Ken Boyd seconded the motion to give them $20 for the sponsorship. Motion carried.

Gene Will gave the treasurer’s report. He reported a balance of $213.22 in the treasury. Two members, Marc Hines and Rudy Schnidhorst paid their dues.

Dick Murray reported that the Kit Fox from CQA has finally been sold for the fifth time!!

Marty Bevill presented a poster from the national EAA promoting airplane construction.

Ken Boyd adjourned the meeting at 2:35 pm.

March 14, 2010 Meeting

Chapter 922 met March 14 at AXV terminal building with the following pilots present: Walter Vogel, Neil Winget, Tom Fortman, Richard Murray, Marc Hines, Todd Bills, Marty Bevill, Ken Boyd, Mike Schnell and Gene Will. Also present was one guest, Matt Spitnale.

Marty Bevill, president, called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm. Minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved. The treasurer reported the balance was the same as last month.

Marty Announced that the Luscomb that he was looking at does not meet the Sport Pilot requirements. He also announced that he finally has his membership cleared with the EAA national office.

Dick Murray announced the website is: . Neil Winget is still trying to obtain permission for a group to go to the restoration museum at Wright Patterson Air Force Museum.

Mike Schnell announced that the Young Eagles Day will be June 19, with a rain date of June 26. He has pamphlets and logbooks. Members will try to get out information to the schools.

Under new business, Todd Bills has the book, "Week-End Pilot" for members to borrow. There is also an CD, "Decision Making for Pilots" that Marty has available.

Members were reminded that under the sport pilot rules, they have unlimited distance. It was announced that Van Wert will have a fly-in on March 20.

Walt Vogel moved and Mike Schnell seconded the motion to adjourn.

February 14, 2010 Meeting

The February meeting of EAA Chapter 922 was held Sunday, February 14 at 2:00 pm in the AXV terminal building. Those present were: Richard Murray, John Hines, Dick Heiby, Mike Schnell, Marty Bevill and Walt Vogel.

The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved. It was reported that there is a balance of $213.22 in the treasury after collecting $225.00 in dues and paying the national EAA $227.00 for charter status and insurance.

Marty told those in attendance about his "adventures" with the national EAA chapter and his dues. Hopefully it will soon be straightened and resolved.

Dick Murray announced that Neil Winget will attempt to call in reservations for a group to go to the Air Force Museum restoration tour.

It was announced that the Kitfox at CQA has been sold.

Marty announced that he is planning to obtain a Luscombe 8 C so that he can use it for sport pilot training. The CFI's that were in attendance reviewed the regulations for sport pilot.

Dick Murray announced that the web site is not yet up.

Mike Schnell announced that he is working on the Young Eagles Day. He is thinking of holding it the 3rd Saturday of June. He has a few planes and pilots lines up. The date will be firned up in March.

There being no futher business, the meeting was adjourned.
Walt Vogel, Secretary