Sunday, August 10, 2014

August 10, 2014

EAA 922 members met Sunday, August 10 at AXV. Members

present were: Gene Will, Ken Boyd, Neil Winget and Marc Hines. Also

in attendance was Ann Vogel, guest.

Marc Hines, Vice-President presided over the meeting. Gene

reported a balance of $164.76 in the treasury.

The recent Young Eagles from the Space Camp event was

discussed. Some suggestions were made to think about in future years:

only take new-time fliers; only take so many kids; only take ages 8 -17

year old kids. Some of the students that got a ride this year had been up

in a small aircraft for as many of three times. Of course it would help if

there were more pilots available.

The August cookout was discussed. Gene has issued the

invitations. This year Gene has ordered baked beans and coleslaw along

with the meat, etc. Members are asked to bring a covered dish (not

beans or slaw). Members will also help Gene with the expenses. Bring

lawn chairs. Set up will be Wednesday evening around 6 pm. Bring any

extra tables you have at that time. This year it will be a “Wings and

Wheels” event. Show off your aircraft and or your classic or fancy car.

This is the 15th year for this popular event.

Neil showed a video of his son Para-Gliding in Europe.

Marc declared the meeting adjourned.

Ann Vogel, Secretary Pro Tem