Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 14, 2010

EAA Chapter 922 was called to order by President Dick Murray, November 14 at 2:00 pm.  Members present were Walt Vogel, Dick Murray, Marc Hines, Todd Bills, Gene Will and Ken Boyd.  There were also two guests, Ann Vogel and Bryan Bills.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.  Gene Will reported a balance of $111.26 in the treasury and all bills have been paid.  Members were reminded that dues will be collected next month.  Dues are $25.

    Old Business:  It was reported that Paul Tebbe received a letter from the FAA with the notification effective immediately of suspension of his pilots license.  He will try to see that that can be resoved.

    New Business:  Todd Bills gave an update on his building project and also of the gas welding workshop he attended last month in Indianapolis.  Ken Boyd showed pictures of his RV-9 project and Dick Murray brought in old aviation textbooks.  Dick announced that next month it will be time to get new officers for the year of 2011.  After the EAA meeting today, Todd will be meeting with the Boy Scout Aviator Explorers.

    Walt moved and Gene seconded the motion that the meeting be adjourned.

Walt Vogel, Secretary, Minutes recorded by Ann Vogel