Friday, April 28, 2017

April 20, 2017

EAA Chapter 922 met Thursday, April 20 at 7:00 pm at AXV. Members present were: Richard Murray, Neil Winget, Matt Bailey, Mike Schnell, Ken Boyd and Ann Vogel. Ralph Holthouse was also present and joined.

Old Business: It was announced that EAA 922 has paid the Chapter
Dues for 2017. Gene Will, treasurer, reported via email the treasurer’s report. Balance on hand January 1, 2017, $168.76; February 4, deposit of $200; February 4, paid EAA dues of $359. Balance today is $9.76.

New Business: Mike Schnell announced that the Space Camp attendees would like an airplane ride as we have provided in the past. Pilots will be reimbursed for fuel. There will be about thirty children in each session. The first group of Space Camp fliers will take place on Tuesday, June 13, and the second group will be on Tuesday, August 8. The rain dates for both will be the next day. Mike will make application to EAA for the proper paper work.
Discussion was held on holding a pancake day in the future. Plans for that event will be finalized at the next meeting.
The next meeting will be Saturday, June 10, 10:00 am, at AXV.

Entertainment for the evening was watching the thunderstorm and cloud formation that was south of the airport.

Ann Vogel, Secretary